Make Art For You

Erina Cruz Yamada
3 min readJul 21, 2022

“One of the most important reminders I ever got was
to forget about everyone else and make art for you.

Say what you need to say,
make what you want to read,
what inspires and empowers you,
what helps you heal.

Because when you do this,
you tap into your unique perspective,
you show up authentically,
and you end resonating with far more people than if you’d try to game it.

It’s a beautiful thing if you want to help
or inspire or empower others with your words

by: Shani Jay, Founder of She Rose Revolution

I feel so grateful that She Rose Revolution reached out to write and share some of the pieces of my work with them. I feel so honored when my writing became part of their publication as I feel like my voice was finally heard. Initially, they noticed my writing “ It All Starts With You” that I submitted and published in Thought Catalog. After that, they sent DM via Instagram and welcomed me to write for their platform.

It always feels good that people appreciate my presence as who I really am.

I feel like somewhat my complex existence on this earth has been validated when people tell me that they resonate with what I write and post online. I have been so vulnerable and maybe too loud online, which is something people will barely notice about me in person. As an introvert, I am still struggling to express what I think and feel verbally, especially if I do not know the people I am talking to.

Sometimes, guilt and shame also come into play as to why it is so hard to express myself naturally to others. The embarrassment of being vulnerable, the stigma of being emotional, and the fear of being judged are somewhat ingrained in me. Unconsciously, I have silenced my voice in my head. I have suppressed this strong feeling I was experiencing. I have stopped trying to articulate what is going through in my inner world. Because I felt like it was forbidden; I felt like I was committing a sin.

It was a total hell to be in. To be in a place where I cannot be true to myself. To be in an environment where everyone tells me not to question things and be quiet.

That is why writing and sharing it online without a sound became my escapade, became my shelter, and my paradise.

I do not care if my writing will not reach millions, no views, no reactions, or no likes. I just genuinely hope that whoever gets to read what I write will find solace, a sense of assurance, and peace.

Because my art should only serve its purpose — to express myself authentically and to help people who could resonate with it and be inspired by my art.

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See my first self-published books here. Available on Amazon.

Originally published at on July 21, 2022.



Erina Cruz Yamada

Raised in bicultural environment who loves adventure, nature, art and food. Highly sensitive and sensation seeker.